Detroit River Boat Tracker Project

VP of Operations, Opreto

8 minute read

You’ll often hear about the importance of getting started, breaking ground, getting moving on a thing. Whether you have a specific goal you want to achieve, or you just want to get your feet in the door of a particular industry or technological stack, the outlook from a thousand feet can be daunting. So how do you choose where to begin?

What non-trivial, useful chunk of that goal can you attack right now, that will set you on a realistic path toward that final objective? In my decades of sometimes stumbling, sometimes walking, and sometimes sprinting through this process across a wide swath of technology combinations, I can think of few clearer examples of the right approach than a project I’ve assembled over the past couple years.

I live in Windsor, on a street aptly named Riverside Drive. A variety of boats, including much of the shipping traffic of the Great Lakes (yes, we call thousand-foot lake freighters “boats” here), pass through a segment of the Detroit River approximately 700 meters wide right outside my window. A little experimentation with software-defined radio led, pretty quickly, to the creation of the Detroit River Boat Tracker, which I think is an interesting case study of rapid application development involving radio hardware, the Raspberry Pi platform and, most of all, my beloved Python ecosystem.

The story begins with my discovery of a conspicuous pair of signals at 161.975 MHz and 162.025 MHz during one of my first explorations of the waterfall pouring out of my new Nooelec NESDR SMArt v4 USB dongle. I didn’t look up what they were until I noticed that a particularly strong signal seemed to coincide with a large boat passing directly across from my house. It turns out these are the frequencies used by the automatic identification system, or AIS, on which vessels broadcast information about themselves (name, type, destination, dimensions, coordinates, heading, speed, and more), to be tracked by other vessels and by shore-based stations.

In order to do anything useful with these signals, I first needed to demodulate the raw FM transmissions into digital NMEA messages. Fortunately, the perfect piece of open-source software already exists for this: rtl-ais. This simple utility, written in lovely C, takes care of tuning the SDR dongle directly and demodulating the transmissions into UDP packets compatible with other AIS software.

As exciting as it was to see raw NMEA data show up in my terminal, what I really wanted to see was my own personal map of tracked boats, in the style of MarineTraffic. For this, I used AIS Dispatcher, which serves up a web app that consumes the NMEA messages, displays an interactive map, and lets me dispatch the data on to several online services that aggregate AIS data.

Now, with the minuscule general-purpose telescoping antenna that shipped with my SDR, I was able to pick up boats a surprising distance up and down the river. It stood to reason that a larger antenna mounted higher would perform better, so I ordered a reasonably-priced Diamond D-130J wide-band discone antenna and set it up “temporarily” on my balcony (still working on moving it to the chimney). The routing of the coaxial cable from this location is such that it made sense to move the SDR dongle and software onto a Raspberry Pi sitting in my office window, which happens to face the river.

And that’s where the idea sprung forth, in near full form. I’d stick a camera module on the Raspberry Pi, point it out the window, and write a script that uses the AIS data to determine when a boat is in view, snap a photo, and tweet it to a dedicated Twitter account along with the interesting bits of the AIS data.

The data of interest, therefore, would be the dimensions, coordinates, course, and speed of the vessel for tracking, as well as its MMSI, name, type, status, destination, and perhaps other details for the tweet caption.

Easy enough, right? Of course, filling in the details between these broad strokes is where it gets interesting, and sometimes the best way to figure them out is to dive straight into implementation.

To begin I needed a way to decode and parse the raw AIS messages into a more immediately usable form. For this, I found pyais, which can listen directly to the UDP stream from rtl-ais and produce convenient, Pythonic objects of the messages as a generator.

The first hurdle was that the AIS data of interest for a given vessel actually comes in over multiple separate messages of different types. In particular, there is “static” information about the vessel (name, type, dimensions, etc.), “voyage” information (destination, draught, etc.), and “position” information (coordinates, heading, course, speed, etc.). This data needs to be aggregated both to track the vessel for the photo and to compile the tweet caption. Each new message therefore adds or updates an entry to a dictionary in memory containing all of the necessary fields, and then triggers any registered callback function, giving it access to the dictionary. Additionally, the static vessel information is persisted to disk using Python’s built-in SQLite support, to improve cases where a vessel seen during a previous run of the application did not broadcast its static information in time for a tweet.

The callback function, of course, is going to be interested in two things: requesting the necessary position data to determine when to snap a photo, and requesting the interesting data needed for the tweet caption.

The first item is a bit trickier than it seems. The boat needs to be centered in the frame at the exact moment the photo is taken, but the position messages are only broadcast sporadically (for boats moving at typical Detroit River speeds, up to 20 seconds between messages). Additionally, for generality, any combination of boat heading and camera axis bearing should be supported. I opted to give the callback access to a method that calculates, using geopy and some spherical geometry, the actual time the center of the ship will cross the camera axis (I had even considered employing a [Kalman filter here], but in practice just using the kinematic state from the most recent position message works well enough.)

The second item was a mere matter of providing convenient access to the aggregated AIS data, with a few convenience methods to provide more directly usable information, such as translating ship type and status to human-readable form, and using flag to provide an emoji of the flag of registry from the MID in the first 3 digits of the MMSI.

On the other side of the fence, the aforementioned callback, for reasons already covered, can’t immediately take the photo and tweet it; nor can it block while it waits for the appropriate moment, since multiple boats may be bearing down on the camera axis at the same time. I therefore had the callback add (or update) an entry in an event scheduler, running in a separate thread. Python’s built-in scheduler isn’t suitable to keep running continuously, but fortunately, there is the third-party event-scheduler for this use case. When any new AIS message arrived, the callback accessed the crossing time from the tracker (minus the camera warmup and delay times), and scheduled a photo-and-tweet for the appropriate moment if the boat was soon to cross the camera axis.

The photo could appear a bit different, depending on a couple of factors. First, the distance to the boat and the length of the boat are used to determine the “zoom” (region of interest) of the photo, using projective geometry and the known horizontal field of view of the camera module. Second, the exposure mode of the camera is normally set to “auto”, but is set to “night” instead between dusk and dawn. This was determined using astral, to which I fed the coordinates of the camera, the timezone at those coordinates as obtained from timezonefinder, and the current local time using pytz. The image capture was, of course, handled by picamera.

The tweet itself is posted using tweepy, which interfaces with Twitter’s API. The tweet includes the photo of the boat along with a caption including a flag of registry, some interesting details, and a link to the MarineTraffic entry for the vessel. The tweet is also geotagged to the coordinates of the boat at the time the photo was taken.

After launching the boat tracker, I often found myself checking the Twitter feed just to get the name of a boat I’d see passing my window. It occurred to me to add a cheap pair of speakers to the Raspberry Pi, and have it audibly announce the names of passing boats using gTTS and mpg321. It sounds just like my Google Nest Mini!

One annoyance with the particular way I have the camera set up is that it directly faces the inside of my office window. Normally, this isn’t a problem, but if I have the office lights on at night, the camera sees a rather clear reflection of the inside of my office and not much else. I’ve had to manually disable the tracker and/or delete tweets as a result. Adding a simple low-cost light sensor (the Adafruit VEML7700 module), connecting it to the Pi via I2C, and writing some simple logic using Adafruit’s CircuitPython interface was a breeze. The tracker now detects when the lights are on in my office at night, and aborts the image capture accordingly.

In summary: start with a relatively straightforward and self-contained concept, well-specified at the high level, and then fill in the details by a process of cobbling together things that already exist (in this case, mostly open-source Python modules, and a few convenient electronic bits). After you’ve got what you might call a minimum viable product, there is nothing stopping you from revising and expanding the scope of features in any way that makes sense. There is a vast ecosystem out there for almost every imaginable technological application, no matter how specific, and I hope I’ve inspired you to try bringing your own high-level idea to fruition by leveraging it!

