What is a prosigliere?

For an agile software development agency, the traditional role of the Software Architect has been transfigured. An added dimension has fundamentally shifted the nature of the role to one of Software Leader. This is what we call a “prosigliere”.

It means more than “architect,” as it does not just create the initial plan, but constantly guides and actively improves a software project over the course of its entire life cycle.

It means more than “consultant”, as it is long-term. The advice from a prosigliere is given with future outcomes constantly in mind, and revisits results, inputs and assumptions again and again. It is not transient. It is a permanent, iterating, endlessly cultivating role.

It means more than to be an “advisor”, as it also implements and is not just a source of guidance. The prosigliere is engaged in a rigorous cycle of rebuilding and tuning and respecializing when required. This is an active loop of continual work, and not just “advice”.

It is an innovation from the world of agile software development, and its paradigms and practices. It is how we do our work in software development; it is not just architecting, consulting, or advising - but something more.

A prosigliere is invested in the continuing outcomes for a project, as they are part of a long-term relationship with the product owner. They build out team structures to be impervious to corruption, entropy, and age. They do this through problem analysis, best practice determination, and effective ongoing communication, while adapting and reacting to change by constantly evolving processes, architectures, and responses.

This is something we are continuously doing through the practices of agile software development in our day jobs with our existing clients, and it is these established processes and practices that make outputs from the software development team predictable, transparent and liaised. This predictability and the knowable software process outputs are something that may be counted upon for the purposes of planning by the large complicated enterprises that rely upon our teams and what they produce.

A prosigliere is a Software Architect who Leads.

A prosigliere is a Software Leader who services the business mission.

A prosigliere has clear eyes, quick feet, and steady hands.